Thursday, December 23, 2010

Belgian Lawmakers Propose Euthanasia For Children & Those With Dementia

Unsurprising, but ominous. Some Belgian legislators are proposing that euthanasia be extended to include those with dementia and children. Frightening. Note that this piece is a Google Translate of the original French.
Belgium: Euthanasia of people with dementia
28 October 2010, a proposed law relating to people with dementia has been tabled in the House of Representatives (Myriam Vanlerberghe, Renaat Landuyt and Maya Detiège). This is a cover of the proposal 4-676/1 Senate.
The authors start from the observation that the Act of May 28, 2002 on euthanasia does not apply to people with dementia even if they have drafted an advance directive at some point they were still capable.
The authors argue that dementia is generally progressive and suggest that anyone, even if already ill, could write an advance directive in which it clarifies the point that she wishes we proceed to the active termination of life. more

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