Monday, December 27, 2010

Pro-Death Obamacare Ignores The Public, Governs By Legislation Over Law

Remember how some of us were excoriated when we foresaw not only the “death panel” idea, but that mandating doctors to discuss (with no guarantee that “discuss” couldn’t turn into “coerce”) “end of life planning” would be part of what Obamacare proposed? Well, after the furor, it was removed from the now infamous bill. But guess what?? IT’S BAAACCKK!!!! Only not through the law, but via federal regulation, which accomplishes the same thing – BUT without a congressional vote. Technically, it’s a regulation vs. a law. No matter, it’s another piece of the pro-death puzzle, trust me.
Obama to bring "end of life" planning in through the back door
The idea that "end of life planning" paid for once every 5 years by Medicare will morph into euthanasia counseling was one of the more bizarre arguments against Obamacare when it was proposed two years ago. People have to make informed decisions about how they want their doctor to treat them if they sicken and are unable to make choices about resuscitation and other important end of life issues.
Everyone should have a Living Will that spells out for their family where to draw the line about extraordinary measures that could keep one alive. If you wish to remain in a vegetative state, that should be your choice and should be reflected in the body of the Living Will. With the force of law, no one - not family or government - can alter that decision. As long as it is clear you were of sound mind when you made that decision, your wishes must be respected.
The question isn't whether Living Wills are necessary. The question is should Medicare be paying for such consultations? more

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