Thursday, February 25, 2010

As Long as You Kill Compassionately, You'll Be OK in Britain

So, now we know how the legal eagles in Britain have succumbed to the pro-euthanasia lobby. Under pressure from vocal and media-savvy assisted suicide advocates and their poster-child, Debbie Purdy, Kier Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions has issued some clarifying "guidelines" for those who help kill other people.
Oh yes, and the august Director of Public Prosecutions insists this isn't the start of a slippery slope to legalizing euthanasia.
Uh huh . . . But hey, make up your own mind:
From SkyeNews:
Guidelines setting out when someone could face prosecution for assisting a loved one to commit suicide have been published. The motivation of a suspect will face more scrutiny, the document said. Acting out of compassion, to help someone with a "clear, settled and informed wish to die" is unlikely to lead to a prosecution. more

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