Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assisted Suicide? No, Murder, Plain And Simple

Here’s the latest example of an alleged murderer being painted as an assister of a suicide – rubbish. For assisted suicide he would have had to have brought the gun to the hospital and handed it to his wife, allowing her to pull the trigger. Murder, plain and simple.
Here’s the latest example of an alleged murderer being painted as an assister of a suicide – rubbish. For assisted suicide he would have had to have brought the gun to the hospital and handed it to his wife, allowing her to pull the trigger. Murder, plain and simple.
Here’s the latest example of an alleged murderer being painted as an assister of a suicide – rubbish. For assisted suicide he would have had to have brought the gun to the hospital and handed it to his wife, allowing her to pull the trigger. Murder, plain and simple.
Hospital shooting fuels euthanasia debate
John Wise watched a tear roll down his wife's face as he stood alongside her bed in the intensive care unit. She'd been unable to speak after suffering a stroke and seemed to be blinking to acknowledge him, Wise confided to a friend who had driven him to the hospital.
The couple had been married for 45 years and Wise told his friend that they had agreed long ago they didn't want to live out their years bedridden and disabled.
 So a week after Barbara Wise's stroke, investigators say, her husband fired a single round into her head. She died the next day, leading prosecutors to charge the 66-year-old man with aggravated murder on Wednesday in what police suspect was a mercy killing. more

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