Monday, February 27, 2012

France: Sarkozy Rival Changes Tune On Euthanasia

Hard on the heels of President Sarkozy saying he opposes euthanasia and would run on that platform in the next French election, his rival has had to back away from endorsing euthanasia for the French.
French socialist presidential candidate retreats under fire from pro-euthanasia
France’s socialist opposition candidate for the nation’s presidential elections in April seems to be backing off from his stated position in favor of legalizing euthanasia, after his opponents attacked his position.
On Saturday, Socialist and Radical Left Party candidate Francois Hollande gave an interview to the French magazine Marianne, claiming that he is now “not favorable” to the legalization of euthanasia. However, he added that he is “for the right to die with dignity.” more

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