Sunday, May 6, 2012

More Calls For Euthanasia For Children

While shocking, this development is hardly surprising. The calls for euthanasia for children and the mentally incompetent are increasing in several places in Europe.
"Euthanasia should also be possible for minors"
The Flemish socialist lawmakers Marleen Temmerman and Myriam Van Lerberghe want to make euthanasia possible for minors and those suffering from dementia. That's according to a report in De Standaard. The two politicians are planning to propose a bill by the end of May.
Legislation allowing euthanasia was first introduced ten years ago, under the government of Guy Verhofstadt (Flemish liberal). The first Verhofstadt government (1999-2003) saw a coalition of liberals, socialists and greens. The pioneering rules concerning euthanasia were introduced much against the will of the Christian democrats, who were on the opposition benches at that time. more

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