Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here's How The Media Supports The Pro-Death Position

Eres a media piece completely in the tank for the pro-deathers, trotting out all the usual arguments.
Eres a media piece completely in the tank for the pro-deathers, trotting out all the usual arguments.
Here's a media piece completely in the tank for the pro-deathers masquerading as a thoughtful "discussion" of the issues.
 The Choice of Life or Death
Doctor assisted suicide, death by choice or dignified death, whatever you chose to call it, it's an issue many are fighting for -- the freedom to choose when and how you die.
It emerges as the most controversial cultural issue in a recent Gallup Poll. Americans are divided 45% to 48% over whether it is morally acceptable or morally wrong.
One Lincoln couple made that choice.
"It's going to be a process, but I get it and I am so ok with it and I am happy they are together," said Kim Miller, the daughter of Carol and Ray Miller. more

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