Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Others' Care Changes Man's Mind About Euthanasia

This is encouraging: Several years ago a Hong Kong quadriplegic wrote to the government asking to be euthanized. The story prompted a outpouring of public support (as well as from the government) and he was eventually able to move back home. Guess what? With support, improved care, and knowing that people cared about him, he changed is mind about dying. I wonder how many people have died by assisted suicide, suicide, or euthanasia because they thought nobody cared about them or because they were not receiving adequate supportive care?
A quadriplegic man who six years ago wrote to Hong Kong's leader demanding the right to die has moved out of hospital. . . .  Tang Siu-pun later changed his mind and said he wanted to live, but he still believes that the choice to live or die is a basic human right. more

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