Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Helped To Kill A Patient, Nah, Na-Na Naaa!!!

The dominoes in the UK are falling rather quickly, these days. Here’s a Scottish doctor who assists in a suicide (still illegal in the UK) and who then is incredibly arrogant about how she essentially got away with killing:

A RETIRED Scottish doctor who was facing prosecution in an assisted suicide case has had the charges against her dropped. Dr Libby Wilson, 84, a member of pro-euthanasia group Friends At The End, (FATE) was arrested by Surrey Police last September on suspicion of giving advice to multiple sclerosis sufferer Cari Loder, who took her own life using a helium cylinder and a hood. . . . .
Last night Dr Wilson, speaking from her home in Glasgow, spoke of her relief at the CPS decision but said she was "unrepentant".
"The CPS would not have had a leg to stand on trying to prosecute me. What jury would have convicted me? "But I know it's stressful to go to court and it would have been horrible being cross-examined. more

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