Monday, September 26, 2011

Aussie Dr. Death Whines About A Possible Prosecution

Poor Aussie Dr. Death (see below). Philip Nitschke is the most prominent pro-deather south of the equator. He's pushing the envelope by importing a death drug for use in assisted sucidie and eithanasia in Australia, where these activities are illegal. Now he's fretting that being allowed to import the drug is a set-up to convict him. We can only wish.
Right-to-die doctor's 'set-up' fears over euthanasia drug
A prominent Australian euthanasia campaigner has been given permission to import drugs used in assisted suicides.
 But Dr Philip Nitschke has said he fears he is being "set up" by the federal Therapeutic Good Administration, which approved the importation of sleeping drug Nembutal. more

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