Monday, September 26, 2011

Australia: Allowing Fatal Drug Import The Thin End Of The Wedge

Here's more on Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke's bold attempt to import a fatal drug to Australia. Right now it seems like it's only for a few people, but this is the thin edge of the wedge. Prediction: Aussie will soon find itself in a legal quagmire similar to what's happened in the UK, where assisted sucide and euthanasia are illegal but where perpetrators are ignored. 
Dr Philip Nitschke wins right to use euthanasia drug
 RIGHT-TO-DIE campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke has gained permission to import a drug used in voluntary euthanasia.
He will provide the drug Nembutal to a Victor Harbor woman in South Australia who wants to die.
 "The drugs will be provided to her with clear instructions," he said. "They are to help her sleep. more

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