Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Aussie: Some Doctors Seek To Legalise Medicalized Killing

Again from Aussie. Think about this: More than a few doctors have signed a petition supporting making euthanasia legal. Lesson: make sure that YOUR doctor isn't a pro-deather!!!

Thirty doctors support euthanasia bill
MORE than 30 doctors across Australia have backed a proposed law which would give doctors a defence to provide treatment that shortens a person's life.
The state branch of the Australian Medical Association and the Law Society last week issued a joint statement condemning the Bill - one of two relating to voluntary euthanasia introduced by Labor's Stephanie Key.
Emeritus Professor of Medicine John Willoughby, from Flinders University, said yesterday the arguments against the Bill were not arguments but statements "unsupported by anything".
"Quite frankly, it is crap to say there is no need for this legislation," he said. more

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