Tuesday, September 6, 2011

UK: Assisted Suicide Might As Well Be Legal

Guess what? Assisted suicide might as well be legal if you read this report where UK police have accumulated dozens of cases of assisted sucide which is against UK law, but because of a "clarification" issued a while back, they are likely to remain uninvestigated, let alone prosecuted.
44 assisted suicide cases since CPS guidelines published
The police have passed a total of 44 files to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) since 2009 in which firm evidence was found which could have led to a prosecution for helping someone end their lives. The crime remains punishable by up to 14 years’ imprisonment.
However, a landmark court case brought by a right-to-die campaigner that year led to the publication of guidelines which made it clear that suspects would not be charged unless it was thought that they forced the victim into killing themselves or sought to profit from their death. more

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