Thursday, February 17, 2011

UK Police Try To Enforce Assisted Suicide Laws - Good Luck!

I really feel sorry for the UK police, who are obligated to work under the assumption that they must enforce the law. As far as assisted sucide goes, they're mistaken, because their bosses (and the legal system) turn a blind eye to illegal acts of assisted sucide. So, in warning Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke that what he does might be illegal, they’re playing the quintessential paper tiger. Most unfortunate.
Sussex Police warning to euthanasia doctor
Police have warned that a euthanasia doctor could be acting illegally by advising people on ending their lives. Dr Philip Nitschke was detained by airport officials as he travelled to Britain yesterday, ahead of a workshop in Sussex aimed at showing elderly and ill people how to kill themselves.
Dr Nitschke, who is also known buy the nickname Doctor Death, was detained at Heathrow airport when he arrived in Britain ahead of the talk in Eastbourne carrying his “deliverance machine” – a laptop computer used to administer a lethal dose of drugs or gases. more

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