Here’s a good piece explaining how allowing assisted suicide
and euthanasia to be legalized will eventually become a duty to die.
Finding a tidy end to our lives
The year is 2029. After discussing schedules, I've picked early afternoon April 28 as my day. That works for most of us. My wife will have returned from her conference. My sisters can fly in after their dance recital. My brother rescheduled his interviews.
Cousins can drive in from the coast. Some nieces and nephews can't make it, but that's all right. They're busy. Dr. Landis assured us it would be brief. I'll just take the pill the good doc gives me and fall quickly asleep, peacefully, forever. No pain. I'm doing what's right. It is better for all of us.
As we face dying's three dreads — pain, abandonment, helplessness — what is the practical allure of physician-assisted suicide?
How about efficiency and convenience? It is quick and painless. more