Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Death Clinic Disrespectful Of Its Clients? I'm Shocked, I Tell You . . .

Well the UK reports that the Swiss assisted suicide clinic Dignitas has been dumping urns of the remains of people killed at the clinic is hardly a surprise for at least two very obvious reasons. One, Dignitas, despite its name, kills people for a profit and not for any notion of dignity I can think of. Second, as this story notes, the clinic was caught dumping urns in the lake two years ago. Of course, the good citizens of Switzerland are shocked, I tell you, shocked, etc., etc.
“Dignitas” Urns Dumped In Lake
BOSSES of Swiss suicide firm Dignitas were facing jail today after the discovery of up to 300 urns containing human remains in a lake.
British "suicide tourist" ashes are believed to be in some of the caskets found at the bottom of Lake Zurich by police divers.
Authorities were first alerted in 2008 when Dignitas staff were caught pouring the ashes of 20 clients into the water. more

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