Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ah, Those Brave Pro-Deathers

The UK pro-deather drumbeat continues apace. We’ve had Brits going to Switzerland to the assisted sucide clinic Dignitas to help their loved ones be killed. We’ve had Debbie Purdy hectoring the government until prosecutorial guidelines about the illegality of assisted suicide in the UK had to be issued. Now, a retired doctor directly challenging UK law by admitting that he’s deliberately helped people commit suicide. Ah yes, another brave poster person who’s sure to draw more sympathy than any he deserves.
Dignitas: British doctor first to face charges under new assisted suicide guidelines
Dr Michael Irwin, a retired British doctor who paid to help a terminally-ill patient commit suicide at a Swiss clinic, is set to be the first person charged under new guidelines for assisted dying.
Dr Irwin has written a letter to Keir Starmer QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), effectively inviting criminal charges within weeks, for which the former GP could be jailed for up to 14 years.
Dr Irwin, who admits he had accompanied two other previous strangers to the Dignitas clinic to help them take their own lives, wants to make a test case out of his assistance in helping Raymond Cutkelvin to commit suicide three years ago. more

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