Monday, July 12, 2010

Where Did The Pet Euthanasia Drugs Go???

Well, who knows of this left is so that someone somewhere in Canada can have a “dignified” death. However, given the pro-deather push in Canada, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was for that purpose, and once the dastardly deed is done, that some “brave” soul comes out of the woodwork to talk about how they helped in the “dignified, loving act of assisted dying.” Sorry, excuse me while I go throw up.
Police issue warning after euthanasia drug stolen from Calgary vet clinic
CALGARY - Police say a dangerous euthanasia narcotic was among a haul of drugs stolen during a break-in at a southeast Calgary veterinary clinic over the weekend.
The Douglas Square Pet Clinic, at 11520 24 St. S.E., was broken into Saturday evening and a safe containing a large quantity of veterinary narcotics was stolen, police said.
Among them was a drug called, Euthansol, which police describe as a powerful and rapid euthanasia narcotic. more

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