Thursday, July 15, 2010

Final Exit Network Heats Up The Propaganda

Here’s the prodeathers propaganda in full cry. Final Exit Network, some of its members under federal indictment, instead of hunkering down, goes on the attack with even more ads now popping up in New Jersey. Chutzpah? In spades!!!
Right-To-Die Billboard Causes Uproar In N.J.
HILLSIDE, N.J. (CBS) ― The message on a billboard in New Jersey is stirring up a lot of controversy. It centers on whether a person suffering from a painful disease has the right to take his or her own life.
The billboard looms over a busy section of Route 22 in Hillside, facing the eastbound lanes. Some drivers said they are confused by the message.
"My Life My Death My Choice. So what does that mean?" Hillside resident Steve Leo said. more

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