Monday, March 28, 2011

An Antidote To Netherlands' Pro-Deather Slippery Slope

As we all know, the Netherlands was ground zero for the slippery slope towards requesting death at any time for any reason and at any age. This commentary takes a good look at how horrible it would be to keep going down that slippery slope.
The self-determination delusion
A Dutch action group for free will wants to give all people the right to assisted suicide. But can this be achieved without us ending up somewhere we never wanted to go? Gerbert van Loenen has grave doubts.
The Dutch citizens' action group Uit Vrije Wil (of one's own free will) says it wants to give all people the right to terminate their own lives. Elderly people who want to die should be able to receive assistance to end their lives, if they so wish. A total of 116,871 citizens have expressed their support for the law to be changed to facilitate this. more

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