Monday, October 10, 2011

Canada: Pro-Deathers Renew Push For Death On Demand

The pro-deathers are hard at it in Canada, pushing for death on demand. So far Canada has stood firm against assisted sucide and euthanasia. It'll be interesting to see how things develop.
Doctors and patients call for death with dignity in B.C. Supreme Court documents
A woman who watched her husband die a gruesome death, only to discover she too had lung cancer is one of several patients and physicians asking the court to strike down Canada's assisted-suicide laws.
Susan Bracken of Barrie, Ont., filed an affidavit with the B.C. Supreme Court, saying she strongly believes that a person should have the right to choose to die.
"I have seen how horrible disease and the dying process can be, and that is why I am seeking deliverance from that type of suffering for myself and why I'm pushing for change," she said in the sworn statement. more

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