Sunday, October 2, 2011

UK: More High Profile People Wanting Medicalized Killing

They're coming tick and fast in the UK now - high profile figures who want to undergo assisted killing. Prediction: The drumbeat will continue and increase until, in the not to distant future, the UK will collapse into resigned acceptance that medicalized killing is good. Trust me on this one.
Former Ofsted chief considers ending life at assisted suicide clinic
Chris Woodhead, the former head of Ofsted, is considering ending his life at Dignitas, the Swiss assisted-suicide clinic.
Woodhead, who was head of the schools' inspectorate between 1994 and 2000, was diagnosed with motor neurone (MND) disease five years ago and uses a wheelchair.
The disease gradually destroys the nerves that control muscles for moving, speaking, swallowing and breathing.
Despite his poor health, Woodhead remains one of the UK's most controversial education commentators.
He told the Times Educational Supplement (TES) that a BBC documentary about Dignitas, aired in June, showed that those who ended their lives there did so in a "dignified" way. more

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