Monday, February 28, 2011

New Hampshire Considering Legalizing Assisted Suicide

First Vermont, now New Hampshire starts to eye assisted suicide legislation. Wake up, New Hampshire!!
NH House considering assisted suicide bill
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The public is getting a chance to tell New Hampshire's House Judiciary Committee what it thinks of legalizing assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. more

New Reason To Legit Assisted Suicide: People With Mental Health Issues

Well, duh. People with mental illness commit suicide, ergo assisted sucide is a viable option. What balderdash and chutzpah.
Mental illness tests assisted suicide norms
A television documentary following the path to assisted suicide taken by a man suffering from bipolar disorder has focused debate on the practice for the mentally ill. more

Yes, Wherever It's Been Legalized, Assisted Suicide Leads To Abuse

Yes, folks, this guy has it right - legalizing killing will leave wide open to abuse - just as it does in Oregon and Washington state.
Abuse of assisted suicide laws ‘inevitable,’ expert warns Quebec government
QUEBEC, February 22, 2011 ( - The legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide for “extreme cases” is a slippery slope to the widespread killing of newborn infants, the elderly, the depressed, and the mentally disabled, an expert witness told the Quebec National Assembly’s Special Commission on the Issue of Dying with Dignity on Thursday of last week. more

Believe The Pro-Deathers, They'll Be Baaaccckkk!!

No time to gloat - the pro-deathers and Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke have been slapped down in the UK again. They mean what they say - they'll keep coming at us, no matter what. Discouragement isn't in  their vocabulary. It needn't be in ours either.
We will not give up says suicide team
THE ORGANISERS of the cancelled suicide workshops in Eastbourne have vowed to come to the town at a later date.
Exit International, the pro-euthanasia group, had hoped to hold a talk and workshop aimed at showing elderly and ill people who to end their lives..
But the venue, the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club, cancelled and days after organisers managed to secure a booking at the Under Ground Theatre, it too pulled out. more

Friday, February 25, 2011

Canadian Murderer's Lawyer Calls For "Euthanasia Debate"

Ah yes, now the lawyer for monster Robet Latimer (who killed his disabled daughter and is already out of prison) is opining thatCanada needs more euthanasia. Is that, like, counselor, murder???
Latimer’s lawyer urges update of euthanasia law
The details surrounding Stephan Bolton and the death of his wife Barbara Jollimore-Bolton are still unfolding.
But Bolton’s story has, at the very least, reignited the debate over end-of-life care and the ethics and law surrounding euthanasia.
Criminal lawyer Jason Gratl said that Canada’s criminal laws do not reflect the opinions of Canadians on issues of euthanasia or assisted suicide. more

Aussie Dr. Death Calls For London Euthanasia Clinic

Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke has endured several slap downs in the UK in the past few weeks, but he's persisted, and finally got traction today. Unfortunate.
Video: Dr Death wants London euthanasia clinic
It is possible for an assisted suicide clinic to open in London thanks to last year’s prosecution guidelines, a euthanasia campaigner wrongly claimed on the BBC last night. more

Canadians Confused Over Whether Murder Is Assisted Suicide

As I posted yesterday, this pathetic man is claiming that he wants a debate on assisted suicide after he murdered his wife. Ho-hum . . . The poor Canadian police are confused. Pathetic.
N.S. police investigate woman's death after euthanasia claim
A Nova Scotia man's public claim that he ended his wife's life as a gesture of mercy has outraged those on both sides of this country's highly emotional debate over euthanasia.
RCMP said Thursday that a 56-year-old man surrendered himself at a detachment near Liverpool, N.S., this week "to confess his involvement in the death of a 59-year-old woman." more

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Locked In Syndrome Patients: We Want To Live, Not Be Euthanized

The general wisdom that patients in minimally and unresponsive states should be killed off (sorry, I meant compassionately euthanized) has just been smacked down in a piece of research just out in the UK. Guess what? Most of these people not only want to live, but are actually happy. The pro-deathers are gnashing their teeth, no doubt.
We're happy and don't want euthanasia say patients locked in their bodies
Most patients ‘trapped’ in their own bodies are happy and do not want euthanasia, according to the biggest survey yet of people with locked-in syndrome.
Contrary to the conventional image of those with the condition, many are able to adapt to the ‘devastating’ change in their lives, researchers say.
And the longer somebody has had the syndrome, the more likely they are to report happiness. more

India's Terri Schiavo In legal Limbo

India's Terri Schiavo, Aruna Shanbaug, is the subject of a euthanasia legal battle. Here's the latest.
Apex court to watch CD on euthanasia case
Taking an unusual step, two judges of the Supreme Court, justice Markandey Katju and justice Gyan Sudha Misra, will view a CD prepared by a panel of doctors concerning Aruna Shanbaug who is confined to a bed in KEM Hospital for the past 37 years. more

Canada: Apparently It's OK To Murder As Long As It's "Compassionate"

This is happening more and more - murderers claiming that they killed out of "compassion" and now want to "start a debate about assisted suicide. Give me a break!
N.S. man tells police he ended wife's suffering with lethal injection: report
LIVERPOOL, N.S. - The Halifax Chronicle Herald is reporting that a Nova Scotia man has turned himself in to the RCMP after telling the newspaper that he gave his terminally ill wife a lethal injection last month to end her suffering.
Stephan Bolton of Liverpool, told the newspaper he decided to go public with his story to spur public debate about the issue of euthanasia and because he's haunted by his actions. more

Creepy Minnesota Nurse With Suicide Fetish Going To trial

William Melchert-Dinkle is one creepy dude. He's in legal trouble for his nasty little pastime of urging people via the web to commit suicide. Two did. And he's a nurse, no less. It's a sad commentary on our times where we might have to second guess every move nurses make around their patients.
Bench trial may not be the end of Minn. assisted suicide case
A judge in Rice County will hear oral arguments today in the case of a former nurse charged with aiding two suicides through Internet communications.
William Melchert-Dinkel's trial will be fast -- he's agreed to accept evidence brought against him and has waived his right to a jury trial, meaning the judge alone will decide if he's guilty.
The verdict, due within 20 days, will bring a degree of closure to a case that began more than five years ago with the suicide death of a man in England. But legal observers are more interested in what happens after the trial.
If Melchert-Dinkel is convicted, he could appeal based on issues his defense attorney has raised during pre-trial proceedings, including an argument that the 48-year-old Faribault man's actions were protected by his free-speech rights and therefore weren't crimes. more

Opposition To Assisted Suicide Collapses In Brit National Health Care Service

So the Brit dominoes continue to fall. Now the UK's National Health Service has declared that it's not opposed to assisted suicide. The NHS, as you know, controls health care in the UK. Something is seriously, seriously wrong when medicos formally see assisted suicide as part of "health care."
NHS chiefs back calls to reform assisted suicide law
One of England’s largest health authorities has said it is not opposed to assisted suicide and called for a change in the law to give patients more “choice” over how they die.
The current law, under which helping someone commit suicide is illegal, is not fit for the 21st century, according to the West Midlands NHS Strategic Health Authority.
Pauline Smith, the end of life care lead for the region, said it was “not good enough” that only those who could afford to travel to Dignitas suicide clinics in Switzerland were able to control their own deaths.
Her comments will be seen as a boost for the right to die campaign, as West Midlands has become the first health authority to back calls for a change in the law to date. more

Aussie Assisted Suicide Guru Thwarted In Wales

Good for the Welsh. Pressure began building a few days ago for Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke's appearances in Wales. Now, just like in Ireland a few weeks ago, he's been forced to cancel his suicide workshops. Good for Wales!!
Suicide workshops cancelled at last-minute after 'pressure'
Today's suicide workshop by a controversial euthanasia expert has been cancelled at the last minute by his host venue in Cardiff.
Dr Philip Nitschke, however, will still hold a public meeting on assisted suicide at the Cardiff Quakers Meeting House on Charles Street from 1pm. more

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

South Australia Assisted Suicide Proposal Returns

They're back at it in South Aussie - clamoring for legalized assisted sucide, that is. Didn;t take the pro-deathers long after being slapped down a few months ago - they're back with a "new and improved" pro-death bill. Earth to Aussie: Wake up. Now.
New push for euthanasia law
A RENEWED attempt to reform voluntary euthanasia laws in SA will be made in Parliament next month. Supporters say the Bill has a stronger chance of being passed than previous proposals. more

Canadian Assisted Group Seeks To Incorporate

Canada, unfortunately, has a strong pro-death lobby. Theyre pushing the envelope again, with a pro-death group wanting to form a coporation. Can we say a "death-for-profit business?"
Assisted suicide group applies to become legal corporation
A B.C. group fighting for the right to assist people who want to commit suicide is seeking to be recognized as a lawful corporation.
The Farewell Foundation for the Right to Die, the only one of its kind in Canada, filed an application on Monday with the B.C. Corporate Registry to incorporate as a non-profit society, the foundation's lawyer Jason Gratl said Tuesday.
In filing the application, the group argues that the section of the Criminal Code that prohibits assisted suicide is unconstitutional and therefore it should be allowed to help people who are capable of informed decision commit suicide if they choose. more

Aussie Dr. Death Faces Strong Opposition In Wales

Relentless Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke is banging around the UK. He got slapped down in Ireland and is now running into serious opposition in Wales.
Catholic church leads charge against euthanasia doctor
Leaders of the Catholic Church in Wales have labelled plans by a euthanasia expert to hold a suicide workshop in Cardiff (#) tomorrow as “frightening and dangerous”.
Philip Nitschke – dubbed Dr Death by his critics – will give “practical information” about different suicide methods to allow people to make decisions on how and when they die. more

France's Savior Sibling Born

So, the latest savior sibling celebrity has been born in France. I'll reiterate what I said when this story broke a few months ago: What is there to stop using a heart of a savior sibling? (Clue: In this day and age, nothing at all).
France’s First Baby Born To Treat Siblings With Genetic Disorder
Newborn Umut Talha was selected from 12 embryos to serve as a stem cell donor for his siblings.
Umut Talha’s name means “our hope” in Turkish, and his birth brought some much needed good fortune into the lives of his siblings. The infant, born January 26th of this year, is France’s first reported case of a child being conceived with in vitro fertilization and genetic screening to ensure it could serve as a viable stem cell donor. more

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brit Soap Opera To Push Assisted Suicide

Aren't we lucky? A Brit soap opera is floating a story line about assisted suicide. That's how far the pro-death ideas have seeped into the mainstream. No doubt it'll be handled with all the "dignity" and "choice" that we've come to expect of the pro-death crowd.
Emmerdale: Jackson Walsh in assisted suicide shock!
Emmerdale bosses are, this morning, facing an industry grilling, after their latest shock story line was revealed, The Sun Reports. more

Monday, February 21, 2011

Emirates' Press Spins Acceptance Of Assisted Suicide

Here's classic spin - ask a very small sample about assisted suicide, have about half agree, and then proclaim "acceptance" of mercy killing. Uh-huh. I’m sure most of not all these people are Muslim, a religion that specifically opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia.
UAE people accepting mercy killing: Study
People in the UAE have started to accept the idea of helping terminally ill people to die, an act known medically as euthanasia, according to a study published on Monday. more

Idaho Presses Closer To Criminalizing Assisted Suicide

Good for the Idaho Legislature for pressing on to clearly make assisted suicide a crime.
Assisted Suicide Legislation Hits the Senate Floor
It's a life and death issue that's hitting the Statehouse: Physician assisted-suicide and what Idaho code should say about the topic.
Assisted suicide is already legal in neighboring states of Montana, Washington, and Oregon, and now the battle lines are being drawn in the Gem State.
The Idaho Attorney General says current Idaho law doesn't make it clear whether it's legal or illegal. more

Sunday, February 20, 2011

India's Terri Schiavo Deserves To Live

People are trying to kill India's Terri Schiavo. Yet, she has some awareness and, get this (UK National Health Service, are you listening) she's getting such magnificent care that she's never had a bedsore - in 37 years. So, the choice is stark - loving, efficient and effective medical care, love, and empathy, versus - well, death. No brainer to me.
Brain damaged for 37 years, but fish still makes Aruna smile
NEW DELHI: Aruna Shanbaug, confined to a bed in Mumbai's King Edward Memorial Hospital for the last 37 years in a vegetative state after a brutal sexual assault, is unaware of her surroundings or the euthanasia plea advanced on her behalf before the Supreme Court.
But the 60-year-old likes fish and chicken soup, calms down after listening to devotional music and dislikes crowding in her hospital room, said an expert panel report submitted recently to the court. Being the first-ever euthanasia plea before the judiciary, a bench comprising Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra was extremely careful and set up a panel of eminent doctors to examine and report her medical condition to the court. more

Full Press For Assisted Suicide In Vermont

The pro-deathers are going full-tilt in Vermont. Be afraid, be very afraid.
'Death with dignity' debate likely to be emotional
MONTPELIER, Vt. -- Hans Penner isn't ready to die just yet. The retired Dartmouth College religion professor has another book he wants to finish writing first. But, with the diagnosis of stage 4 inoperable lung cancer he got last fall, Penner knows it's coming. He just wants to be in control when it does.
"If I have the freedom to decide how I want to die, that is a very comforting thing," said Penner, a 77-year-old resident of Wake Robin, a retirement, assisted living and skilled nursing facility in Shelburne.
Dr. Joseph Nasca, a Milton pediatrician who's not involved in Penner's treatment, says he'd want no part of helping anyone die. more

Montana Lawmakers Drop Discussing Assisted Suicide - Weenies

Yea, well - weenie lawmakers choose to pretend the pro-deathers will go away by shelving discussion of competing assisted suicide bills. Pathetic.
Mont. lawmakers punt on physician-assisted suicide
HELENA, Mont. - Montana legislators had been asked to choose between two paths in creating a physician-assisted suicide law: Ban the practice completely, or else create regulations for doctors and terminally ill patients to follow.
Now it appears they'll do neither. more

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Court Battle Over India's Terri Schiavo Continues

The saga of India's Terri Schiavo continues.
Apex court seeks doctors' presence in euthanasia plea
The Supreme Court today sought the personal presence of a 3-member team of doctors from Mumbai to assist it on the vexed question of permitting euthanasia (mercy killing) of a rape victim virtually brain dead for the last 36 years. more

German Medicos OK Assisted Suicide - Awful

Geez, the German doctors should know better - after all, it was they in WWII who had the handle on euthanasia. Frightening, absolutely frightening.
German Medical Association eases rules on assisted suicide
Germany's medical community has liberalized its code on helping sick patients die, giving more freedom to individual doctors. The change reflects a growing acceptance of assisted suicide among German doctors.
The German Medical Association has presented new guidelines for physician-assisted suicide, allowing greater leeway for doctors to rely on their own conscience when deciding whether to help ill patients die. more

Vermont Pro-Deathers At It Again

So the pro-death battle begins anew this year . . . With all the familiar pro-death spin.
Should terminally ill Vermonters be allowed to end their lives?
"The hardest thing I have ever done was to care for my father as he suffered as he died," said Aaron Loomis of Patient Choices Vermont. "Every one of those final days my father would look at us, my sister, my brother, please help me end the suffering, but we could not grant his final wishes. Indeed my father had no choice."
Backers of a bill introduced at the Statehouse believe it's time Vermont gave terminally ill patients the choice to end their lives with the help of a doctor. more

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pro-Death Group Advertises In Ohio

The Final Exit Network is at it again with their pro-deather billboards, this time in Ohio. This is the same pro-death outfit whose senior membership is awaiting trial on assisted murder charges in Georgia. Gotta give them points for chutzpah, though.
Cleveland billboard promotes 'death with dignity' Opponents question where Final Exit Network is heading
The Final Exit Network billboard on I-77 near the East 30th exit in Cleveland. The backers say the campaign is intended to create dialogue, opponents fear assisted suicide is the group's political goal.
Commuters heading into Cleveland on I-77 are seeing an exit sign this month that won’t take them downtown. A highway billboard from the Final Exit Network is promoting ‘death with dignity’ as part of a national campaign. Opponents say the billboard could lead Ohioans toward assisted suicide or worse. more

Canadian Father Unrepentant For Killing Disabled Daughter

Canadian Robert Latimer murdered his daughter to "end her suffering." Uh-huh. He's now out of jail and apparently very proud of what he did. What a monster.
Latimer still defends killing daughter
Saskatchewan farmer Robert Latimer stands by his decision to end the life of his severely disabled daughter almost 20 years ago, in his first interview since being released on full parole in December.
In an exclusive interview with Radio-Canada (the CBC's French service), Latimer is unrepentant about killing his daughter Tracy in 1993. He also speaks frankly about his deep anger towards Canada's justice system, and its failings. more

Aussie Dr. Death A Bust In Ireland

Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke came to Ireland generating lots of press but, as this report shows, it was mostly hot air. His suicide workshop was a complete bust.
Dublin suicide ‘workshop’ a bust with twice as many protesters as attendees
DUBLIN, February 17, 2011 ( – “Dr. Death” Philip Nitschke’s controversial visit to Ireland proved to be anti-climactic after only a handful of people turned out for his Dublin suicide workshop, over half of whom were journalists. more

Quebecois Assisted Suicide Hearing Panel Taken To Task

Here's a good commentary on the Canadian hearings to legalize assisted suicide.
It Can Happen Here
American author Sinclair Lewis, in his chilling 1935 novel It Can’t Happen Here, imagines the United States becoming a fascist state. Doremus Jessop, a small town Vermont newspaper editor, tries valiantly to warn his compatriots that what is taking place in Europe in the 1930s could occur on this side of the Atlantic, but is met with disbelief—“It can’t happen here.”
The National Assembly of Quebec’s Select Committee on Dying with Dignity (with the slogan of the pro-euthanasia movement of the last 30 years written into its very title!) has been holding hearings across the province for several months. They have heard a variety of opinions and will soon be faced with the unenviable task of writing their report. more

Thursday, February 17, 2011

UK Police Try To Enforce Assisted Suicide Laws - Good Luck!

I really feel sorry for the UK police, who are obligated to work under the assumption that they must enforce the law. As far as assisted sucide goes, they're mistaken, because their bosses (and the legal system) turn a blind eye to illegal acts of assisted sucide. So, in warning Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke that what he does might be illegal, they’re playing the quintessential paper tiger. Most unfortunate.
Sussex Police warning to euthanasia doctor
Police have warned that a euthanasia doctor could be acting illegally by advising people on ending their lives. Dr Philip Nitschke was detained by airport officials as he travelled to Britain yesterday, ahead of a workshop in Sussex aimed at showing elderly and ill people how to kill themselves.
Dr Nitschke, who is also known buy the nickname Doctor Death, was detained at Heathrow airport when he arrived in Britain ahead of the talk in Eastbourne carrying his “deliverance machine” – a laptop computer used to administer a lethal dose of drugs or gases. more

Nebraska: Help A Suicide, Get A Wrist-Slap

Pathetic, truly pathetic. Woman who helped kill her boyfriend gets a slap on the wrist. This is like the UK - no matter what the law (assisted suicide is illegal in Nebraska) you get a pass anyway.
Probation for assisted suicide
COLUMBUS, Neb. — A district court judge said Tuesday that no sentence he gave a 34-year-old Columbus woman who assisted in the suicide of her boyfriend last summer would relieve the sorrow and grief suffered by the man’s family and friends. more

Pro-Deather Spin - It's All The Church's Fault!!!

Here's the same the-religious-zealots-are-after-us canard as was spun in the Idaho press (see below). This time it's Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke in Ireland telling the pro-deathers to be "courageous" against those maniacal priests.
Euthanasia advocate urges courage over legislation
ASSISTED SUICIDE advocate Dr Philip Nitschke last night urged Irish politicians to show courage and not to fear the wrath of the church when it came to legislating for euthanasia. more

Idaho Moves Even Closer To Criminalize Assisted Suicide - Good!

Idaho moving closer to making assisted sucide a crime. Good. Note the media spin: (a) outlawing assisted suicide will "ban" it (no it won't, it'll just mean that if you engage in this behavior you will be prosecuted) and (b) the only people who want this law against assisted suicide are the right-wing nuts and religious freaks (um, no, there are many, many people who are not members of these (pejoratively) named groups who see assisted sucide and euthanasia for what they are: Essentially inhuman and discriminatory.
Idaho moves to ban assisted suicide
BOISE - Amid quotes from scripture and urgings from anti-abortion activists, an Idaho Senate committee on Wednesday approved legislation to outlaw physician-assisted suicide in the state, making it a felony. more

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eugenics Of People With Disabilities In England - Aren't We Lucky?

The culture of death has a new branch - open eugenics. Sterilizing women with disabilities is baaacckkkk!!
UK court mulls sterilizing mentally disabled woman
LONDON (AP) — A British judge ruled Tuesday that more evidence is needed before deciding whether to grant a mother's wish to have her mentally disabled daughter sterilized — a case that is troubling medical ethicists.
The 21-year-old woman, who has a significant learning disability and has been identified only as P, already has one child who is being cared for by her mother, Mrs. P. The woman is scheduled to give birth via cesarean section on Wednesday and her mother had proposed that doctors could sterilize her daughter at the same time. more

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Aussie Dr. Death Rebuffed In Ireland

Aussie Dr. death Philip Nitschke is persistent, I’ll give him that. After having quite a bit of trouble peddling his "deliverance machine" in England, he's trying to do so now in Ireland. The organizers cancelled when the venue where the workshop was to be held got cold feet. Good!!
Organisers pull plug on 'suicide' workshop by Dr Death Philip Nitschke
A “SUICIDE” workshop held by a euthanasia expert known as Dr Death has been axed after the venue pulled out. more

Canadian Pro-Deather Spin Getting Tiresome

Ho-hum, another plea for assisted suicide and/or euthanasia to be legalized in Canada. I'm starting to get really tired of the spin that if legalized, that it's possible to regulate how people will be killed. Just look at the Nertherlands and Belgium, where despite all their efforts at regulation and "transparency" hundreds are killed without their permission  or request. It will be no different in Canada if the killing is ever legalized there.
It's time for us to discuss the right to die
Almost a year after Bernice Levitz Packford left us, she is still prompting us to think about what is right and wrong, and about life and death.
Packford took her own life. She was 95, she was tired, and she was ready to go. She declared her desire to die in a letter to the Times Colonist in February 2010, sparking talk throughout the community about the pros and cons of assisted suicide.
One month later she overdosed on hydromorphone, a powerful prescription painkiller, in her Fairfield home. A coroner's report concluded that Packford committed suicide.
Anyone who was found to have helped her, or even counselled her to carry out her suicide, could face charges under the Criminal Code of Canada, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Victoria police investigated her death and decided Packford had not been assisted. more

UK Assisted Suicide Commission Funded By The Pro-Deathers

If you ever thought that the Falconer Commission on assisted suicide in the UK is an independent, impartial group, read this. The entire Commission is funded by the pro-deathers. Gee, guess what conclusions they are likely to reach?
Think tank Demos has become, alas, little more than a pressure group for assisted suicide
I have at last received a response to my questions to Lord Falconer, challenging the constitution of his “Commission” on Assisted Dying. The letter comes not from Lord Falconer himself, but from Kitty Ussher, director of the think tank Demos, more of which in a moment.
Ussher is very friendly and as helpful as she can be. I see she was Economic Secretary to the Treasury when the credit crunch arrived and was subsequently at the Department of Work and Pensions. She was also Labour MP for Burnley until last year. She is obviously an experienced and highly intelligent woman. Which makes the nature of her letter all the more surprising. more

Monday, February 14, 2011

An Excellent Response To Attempts To Legalize Euthanasia In Aussie

My Aussie colleague Brian pollard has written an excellent piece opposing the legalization of euthanasia. Read it and keep a copy.
Why Safe Voluntary Euthanasia is a Myth
The criminal law in Australia holds that the intentional taking of human life is a major criminal offence. This accords with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Australia is a signatory, which declares that the right to the integrity of every person’s life is equal, inherent, inviolable, inalienable and should be protected by law.
Since the intentional taking of human life is the specific aim of every euthanasia law, such a law would be unique in the following critically important ways:
• it would intend to subvert the existing law
• it would fail to respect the principle that all are equal before the law
• it would fail to respect the principle that all human lives have equal value, and
• it would attempt to gain legal recognition for the concept of life not worth living. more

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Montana Pro-Deathers Slapped Down Over Assisted Suicide

The pro-deathers thought they were well on the way to making Montana the third assisted sucide states in the US. Wrong - they got slapped down big-time. BUT don't relax, they'll be baaaacccckkkk!!!!!
Bill to set rules for doc-assisted suicide fails
Lawmakers tabled a bill Thursday that would have established rules for physician-assisted suicide — setting up a situation where Montana could remain in limbo under a 2009 court ruling that doesn't specifically prevent doctors from getting criminally charged in such cases.
The Montana Supreme Court has ruled that nothing in state law prevents a doctor from prescribing lethal drugs to mentally competent, terminally ill patients. But the court didn't determine if the state constitution guarantees the right to physician-assisted suicide.
Doctors fear they still could be prosecuted in such cases, although the high court ruling said that they could use, most likely successfully, physician-assisted suicide as a defense to homicide charges.
Many were hoping the Legislature would bring clarity to the issue — either by setting up rules or definitively saying it is banned. more

UK: Kill Your Patients, Become A Pro-Death Hero: Sick, Sick Sick

See how this works? Be a doctor. Kill your patients. Avoid murder charges. Become an icon for the pro-death movement. All the more reason to chat with your doctor top see if they are on the pro-death side or not.
'Time for mercy killing debate'
A GP who admitted giving lethal doses of painkillers to his patients has called for a national debate on euthanasia, saying it is already common practice in hospitals.
But Dr Howard Martin, the former County Durham GP, who learnt this week that he will not face a second trial for the murder of three patients, has called on others to lead the discussion, saying he now wants a quiet life. more

Why Don't Medicos Ever Sue To Keep People Alive??

Well, there are many issues here, but let me make one point that I think is vital: We now live in a world where HOSPITALS and DOCTORS sue next of kin, saying they know better than the next of kin what should happen with the patient. Do they ever sue to keep people alive?? Uh-huh, I have some ocean-front property in Arizona. . . .
Wife's surprise shakes Barnes case
Lana Barnes entered Hennepin County Probate Court Wednesday morning determined to win aggressive care for her frail husband and remain his medical decision-maker. more

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pro-Death Laws Defeated In Many Places

Here's very good news that sometimes gets lost in the fight - proposed assisted suicide and euthanasia laws are being defeated in many places.
Six countries, six defeats for euthanasia
Dr. Peter Saunders, the former director of the Care Not Killing Alliance in the UK and a speaker at the upcoming Third International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide that will be in Vancouver BC on June 3 - 4, 2010, yesterday published an article about the fact that euthanasia and assisted suicide bills are being defeated everywhere. more

Suicide Becoming A "Brave" Act

More media spin - kill yourself, become a hero, have nice newspaper articles written about how brave you were to kick the bucket. gag me, please.
B.C. social activist committed suicide, coroner's report concludes
VICTORIA  — Social activist Bernice Packford died as she lived — on her own terms.
A coroner's report, which was just released Tuesday, concludes that Packford committed suicide last March in her Fairfield home by overdosing on hydromorphone, a powerful prescription painkiller. more

Sanctum: Another Pro-Death Movie

The pro-death movie dam has broken. hard on the heels of Al Pacino's "You Don’t Know Jack" and the Sundance award-winning "How to Die in Oregon" comes the big 3D blockbuster Sanctum. Aren't we so very lucky . . .
‘Sanctum’ Review: Exhausting, Visually Stunning, Pro-Euthanasia Adventure
Everyone loves a little bit of adventure, but some people take it to the extreme, whether climbing Everest or exploring the wonders of deep-sea diving. The hardy band of explorers in the new thriller “Sanctum” are crazy enough to engage in both at the same time, by tunneling and swimming their way through the largest cave ever discovered – a gaping hole that burrows at least two miles down below the earth’s surface. more

Gee, Savior Sibing Raise "Bioethics Questions" - Duh . . .

Savior siblings raising "bioethics questions?" Nah, can't be . . .
Birth of French 'saviour sibling' raises bioethics questions
A very special baby was born on January 26th at the Antoine Béclère hospital near Paris. As an embryo, Umut Talha (Turkish for "our hope") was screened so that his parents knew he would not suffer the same genetic disorder that has afflicted his siblings. Not only that, but cells from his umbilical cord can also be used to treat his sister, an idea that's raising questions about bioethics in France. more

Same Old Pro-Death Spin In Montana Media

So it goes in Montana, where there are dueling for and against bills related to assisted suicide So, here goes the spin - the pro-deathers telling the lawmakers horror stories of death and dying. I hope the other side will also be as forcefully represented.
Legislature Takes on Physician Assisted Suicide
Death can be one of the hardest things to talk about and the Legislature tackled the controversial topic as two physician-assisted suicide bills brought forward emotional testimony.
“And in the end it took three of us to hold her down in a hospital bed so that they could put the needles in to give her terminal sedation rather than let her take medication at home to die where she wanted to,” says Mignon Waterman, a former State Senator who watched her close friend die. more

More Push-Back To The Pro-Deathers In Quebec

More push-back against assisted sucide and euthanasia in Quebec - good!!
Assisted suicide debated in Quebec
GATINEAU (CCN)—As Quebec marked Suicide Prevention Week (Jan.30—Feb.5), the Select Committee on Dying with Dignity held hearings here testing support for legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The irony did not escape Linda Couture, who directs Living with Dignity, a grassroots, non-religious organization that has been monitoring the hearings as the committee travels across Quebec. Living with Dignity is also marshaling opposition from a wide range of groups and individuals to any changes to the law or its enforcement. more

More New Zealand Spin About Euthanasia

Well, a debate about euthanasia would be OK as long as it was even handed. This New Zealand piece is hardly that - just more spin for how killing s the only answer to end of life challenges.
Debate needed on voluntary euthanasia
Picton woman Ann David is a member of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand. As the election campaign warms up, she questions the legislation on assisted deaths.
So the election is on and the courting of constituents will begin.
I wonder which politician will make a stand for the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia. more

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hawaii Slaps Down Assisted Suicide Proposal - Good

Good news – the pro-deathers have been slapped down in Hawaii. However, be vigilant – they’ll be back next year, trust me.
Senate panel fails to advance Death With Dignity bill
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - After listening to hours of testimony, state lawmakers decided to hold a bill that would legalize physician-assisted suicide. The vote by members of the Senate Health Committee essentially kills Senate Bill 803 relating to death with dignity. more

Having Kids As Spare-Part Producers

Savior siblings are children produced specifically because they have compatible bodies to a brother or sister who has some kind of medical or genetic problem. The idea is to then use the savior sibling’s cells, etc., to help the other sibling that is ill. For right now, what’s harvested is blood or cells – but who is to say that next won’t be harvesting kidneys or even hearts?
Saviour sibling born in France
A “SAVIOUR sibling” baby has been born in France for the first time.
The controversial concept, called a bébé médicament (medicine baby) in French, refers to a couple having a child by in vitro fertilisation to provide an organ or cell transplant to a brother or sister who is ill. more

Monday, February 7, 2011

Panel Debate: Aruna, India's Terri Schiavo

Here's a panel debate over the proposed euthanasia of Aruna, India's Terri Schiavo.

TV Report: Latest On India's Terri Schiavo

Here's a woman who has been in a persistent unresponsive state for many years. Suddenly some people (not her caregivers, thank goodness) want to kill her. Can we say the pro-deathers have reached India? Seems like it to me.

Debate On Hawaii Pro-Death Bill Begins

Hawaii today took up a legalized assisted suicide bill today. This report also has a link to the bill.
Hawaii Legislature takes up assisted suicide
HONOLULU (AP) — Physician-assisted suicide would be legal in Hawaii under a bill being heard in the state Senate on Monday. more

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dutch Doctors Reluctant To Report Killing Babies With Disabilities

I’m shocked, I tell you!! Looks like doctor perceptions in the Netherlands see killing infants with disabilities as not worthy of reporting under the Netherlands laws for reporting euthanasia. Researchers posed an fictitious case to doctors & asked them how they would react. Read this (a Google translate of the original Dutch) and weep for the poor children.
Euthanasia for babies reported
Termination of life in severely disabled babies is rarely reported. more

More On Idaho Looking To Criminalize Assisted Suicide

Here’s more on the Idaho push to criminalize assisted suicide.
Banning Assisted Suicide
Boise, ID -- Physician assisted suicide could soon be a crime in Idaho.  State Senator Russ Fulcher pitched the law to the Senate State Affairs Committee Friday morning. This piece of legislation is meant to be a road block for those who support what they call "aid in dying." more

Push-Back Against Legalizing Euthanasia in Quebec

The pro-deathers would have us believe that legalized euthanasia is a fait accompli in Quebec. Not so, here’s a report of some stiff opposition.
Quebec groups question need for euthanasia, assisted suicide
As provincial hearings on "dying with dignity" wrapped up in Montreal Friday, two groups representing some of society's most vulnerable raised concerns about legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide.
MONTREAL — As provincial hearings on "dying with dignity" wrapped up in Montreal Friday, two groups representing some of society's most vulnerable raised concerns about legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide. more

Friday, February 4, 2011

German Doctors Tilting Towards Assisted Suicide

Oh, so priceless – now German doctors are starting to think that assisted suicide is OK. Remember, assisted suicide and euthanasia were hallmarks of their dark Nazi past, something that seems to have already been forgotten. Frightening.
German doctors set to support assisted suicide
The professional association for German doctors may soon relax its disapproval of physician assisted suicide. President of the Bundesärztekammer (BAK, or National Medical Association), Jörg-Diettrich Hoppe, says that new guidelines are being finalised and will be published in the first half of the year. more

Pro-Death Bill In Hawaii

Hawaiians pay attention: Pro-death bill to begin its journey next Monday.
Physician Assisted Suicide Bill (SB 803)  Scheduled for Hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee
The physician-assisted suicide bill (SB 803 entitled Death with Dignity) has been scheduled by the Senate Health Committee.  This bill, if passed, would allow a terminally ill, competent adult to receive medication to end life. Prohibits mercy killings, lethal injections, and active euthanasia. This bill also allows an alternate doctor to replace the attending doctor if latter declines to prescribe. more

How The Pro-Death Media & Hollywood Conspire

The HBO movie about Jack Kevorkian, “You Don’t Know Jack,” is just surfacing in the UK. This interview with Pacino, who played Kevorkian in the movie, is an exemplar of how the media and movie stars conspire to spread the pro-death, pro-Kevorkian lies.
You Don't Know Jack: Al Pacino interview
“I don’t think a lot of people can really say that they know Jack Kevorkian,” Al Pacino explains, in his distinctive, gently growling tones. “The image the media created of him was so extensive, but as you get to know him, you get a sense of someone quite different.” more

Idaho Moves To Criminalize Assisted Suicide - Good For Idaho!

An Idaho Senator wants to introduce legislation to make assisted suicide a crime. Good for him. Cue the pro-deathers with flames and arrows about how “uncaring,” “unfeeling,” and “disingenuous” the senator is. Oh yes, and that he’s trying to deny people the “human right” to kill themselves or be killed by other “friends.”
Meridian Republican will pitch law banning physician-assisted suicide in Idaho
One Idaho lawmaker wants the state to join with more than 30 others in making physician assisted suicide a crime in the Gem State. Neighboring states Oregon and Washington have laws specifically allowing aid in dying. more

Art Caplan Thinks OR & WA Assisted Suicide Laws Have "Safeguards." Really???

Speaking of Art Kaplan (see below) check out this interview starting at about 14:00. Caplan tells us how safe and wonderful assisted suicide laws in Oregon and Washington state are, and that they’re not abused. Is he serious????
Point of Inquiry Host: Chris Mooney
Our guest this week is Arthur Caplan, sometimes called the country's "most quoted bioethicist" and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In this wide ranging episode, Caplan discusses not only the latest issues and problems in his field, but also how those issues have changed over time.
Fresh from the ideological fights of the Bush administration-over culture war issues like stem cells, cloning, and Terri Schiavo-bioethicists like Caplan are now more focused on practical matters like access to healthcare. And so is the country as a whole. more

Art Caplan Is Too Optimistic

Transparency alert: Art Caplan, commenting on something I said quite a while ago, called me a “cockeyed optimist.” I took that as a compliment. What he says in this piece is mostly useful, but he’s spinning nevertheless. He’s at pains (sorry) to say that if you choose all kinds of medical care at the end of your life, no prob. Really? This in a world where doctors are trained first and foremost as utilitarian bean counters and where whatever fine document you have saying what you want is easily overridden by doctor power? Now, maybe I can return the compliment.
Not a 'Death Panel': Call it 'Quality of Life'
I'm Art Caplan from the Center of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. Today I'd like to talk to you a little bit about end-of-life care planning. This has been a very controversial issue. At first, the Obama health reform included financial incentives for doctors to talk with their patients about end-of-life care planning, but it has been withdrawn from legislation because there has been pushback. Some people are arguing that this is a kind of rationing or almost a form of death panel discussion where you're trying to persuade people not to use medical resources. more

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sri Lankan Doctor Opposes Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

Here’s a good summary of UK events by a Sri Lankan doctor who is obviously opposed to the pro-deathers. I hope he’s organizing opposition for when the pro-deathers turn up n Sri Lanka and start calling for the “human right” of assisted suicide or euthanasia in that part of the world.
New medical group advocates assisted suicide
With ageing populations and rising incidence of non- communicable diseases globally and with 56 million people dying each year worldwide, where death is associated with substantial but preventable suffering, assisted dying is once again in the media spotlight. more

Euthanasia Spoof Hits Close To Home

It’s not often in this line of work that we get to chuckle – even in a distinctly macabre kind of way. The piece below is a spoof of a visitor to a hospital who’s almost dragged off to be euthanized by mistake. Perhaps one reason it’s so darkly funny is that it’s probably close to the truth in some backwater somewhere.
Local Man Narrowly Escapes Euthanasia in Nursing Home Identity Mix Up!
Local man and good samaritan Melvin Wordsmithe narrowly avoided death, or worse, during a recent visit to the local Nursing Home where he and stalwart Therapy Dog, Bear, provide weekly visits to the infirm of mind and body. more

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Canada: Doctor Power Flexes Its Arrogant Muscle

Doctor power at it’s most arrogant: In Canada, doctors are refusing to let a dying child go home with hi family until he dies. Remember: Doctors don’t always side with you or your loved ones – beware!
Shattered Ontario parents fight to bring ailing baby home to die
WINDSOR, Ont. — The parents of a dying baby are taking doctors in Ontario to court in hopes their little boy will be able to spend his last days at home, surrounded by family. more

Assisted Suicide Double Standard In Washington State

This is hilarious (well, not really). Man helps his friend commit suicide and he’s arrested!! This in Washington State where assisted suicide is legal!! Seems to me there’s a double standard here, unless the authorities are going to argue that assisted suicide is exclusively the purview of the state. I’ll keep you posted.
Spokane Man Arrested For Promoting Suicide
SPOKANE, Wash. -- A Spokane man was arrested Monday on three charges of obstructing a police investigation and a single count of promoting a suicide attempt in relation to the death of William Pickard last June. more

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Idaho Tries To Make Sure Living Wills Are Honored

This is what we’ve come to, folks – in Idaho, they’re trying to get a bill introduced that will ensure that advance directives are honored by doctors. Aren’t we lucky to live in such screwed-up times?
Loertscher mulls killing bill to protect dying patients’ wishes in living wills
House State Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Loertscher, R-Iona, says he hasn't decided whether or not to allow a hearing on legislation from Rep. Leon Smith, R-Twin Falls, to amend Idaho's “conscience law” to ensure that patients' living wills and advanced care directives are followed - but he's  leaning against it. “I'm prone not to,” Loertscher told Eye on Boise. “It's only been in effect for six months or less. Let's see how it goes for a while.” more

New Tasmania Premier Is A Pro-Deather

The pro-deathers will no doubt be back now that they have a prominent politician who thinks killing people is just dandy. If you live in Tasmania, be afraid, very afaid.
Tasmania’s new premier backs euthanasia
The new Premier of the Australian state of Tasmania has promised to back a voluntary euthanasia bill. Lara Giddings, a 38-year-old career Labor politician, has stepped into the leadership after David Bartlett resigned to spend more time with his young family. more

UK Courts Clueless In Understanding What Murder Is

Yes, George Webb committed murder, and the courts let him off by excusing his behavior as assisting in a sucide, gaily ignoring the fact that (on the books at least) assisted suicide is still illegal in the UK. And no, it wasn't a "mercy killing."
Mercy killing: not a case of assisted suicide
Seventy-three year old George Webb successfully overturned a two year sentence of imprisonment for the manslaughter of his wife. An influential composition of the Court of Appeal ruled that the ‘unique’ case merited a suspended sentence.
Webb was convicted of smothering his ailing 75-year-old wife after she had attempted to take her own life and the facts of the case clearly showed that the defendant was under severe pressure out of concern for his wife, which was affecting his mental condition. This was clearly the basis for the diminished responsibility verdict. more

Canadian Medicos Call For Better Palliative Care

Yes, yes. Palliative care, palliative care, palliative care.
Navigating the spheres of assisted death
The issues of assisted death and palliative care in Canada should be discussed in the context of human rights, states a commentary published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
While the topic of assisted death has been a recent discussion in Canada, we cannot address until the issue of equal access to palliative care has been resolved. In Canada, at least 70% of residents lack access to palliative care and for those who do have access, it is inequitable. more

Aussie Bishop Speaks Out Against Legalized Killing

The good bishop is right about legalized killing corrupting society. No doubt he’ll be marginalized by the pro-deathers as a crazy religious nut.
Euthanasia a bad law by bad people, says bishop
EUTHANASIA was contrary to the ideals of justice and charity and would corrupt society, a Catholic bishop has warned the legal fraternity.
The Bishop of Parramatta, Anthony Fisher, used a service at St Mary's Cathedral yesterday attended by the NSW Attorney-General, John Hatzistergos, the shadow attorney-general, Greg Smith, and leading judges and barristers, to warn that ''state-sanctioned killing'' undermined the legitimacy of the state and its criminal law. more
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