Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here's The Brutality Of Euthanasia Posing As Love & Compassion

Here is the brutality of euthanasia posing as heroic and kind act. It pulls out all the usual suspects: lack of dignity, loss of quality of life, asking to die, being a prisoner in her own body, etc., etc.  So the Netherlands caved again, and established legal precedent by euthanizing someone who was unable to sign legal documents requesting the killing. Don’t worry; pretty soon, they’ll be killing people - just because they cxan. Oh, and BTW, the report states that Annie was depressed – but there’s absolutely no indication that anyone bothered to treat her depression, or, for that matter, to provide her with a communication device to replace her speech lost in a debilitating stroke.
Annie did it her way
Holocaust survivor Annie Kalman wins her final battle over right to die. After her euthanasia case sets legal precedent in Europe, her son seeks to change Israeli law. 'A person has the right to end his life with dignity, with grace,' he says. more

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