Sunday, September 19, 2010

Interesting Take On The Quebec Euthanasia Hearings

Here’s a very interesting take on what’s really going on as the Quebec euthanasia hearings continue.
Quebec's collective depression
Quebec's roving public consultations on euthanasia and assisted suicide began on Sept. 7, and wrap up at the end of this week.
Euthanasia has become something of a cultural fetish in Quebec. Films, plays and TV series portray the suffering who seek out euthanasia or assisted suicide as our new spiritual nobility. Former PQ MNA Jean-Pierre Charbonneau proudly remarked last week, in response to the observation that Quebec is the only province engaged in official encouragement of euthanasia: "It's proof that Quebec is distinct!"
Some distinction. And no more boast-worthy than Quebec's higher suicide rate relative to the rest of Canada. more

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