Friday, September 10, 2010

Quebec Hearings Bring Out The Same Tired Pro-Death Tactics

More on hearings – this time in Quebec. Of course, the usual lame arguments and horror stories are trotted out to convince everyone that assisted suicide and euthanasia is almost a human right. It’s these kinds if arguments, often without the counterbalance of palliative care and the fact that pain management is a highly developed intervention, that allows the pro-deathers to perpetuate their lies.
Quebec euthanasia inquiry hears gruelling tales of suicide
He was an MS patient in rapid decline, and he spent three years searching for the best way to end it all.
Laurent Rouleau went to doctors, looking for a painless way. He studied the law, quickly realizing there was no legal way. In the end, the 59-year-old paper-mill worker was left alone, with two .22 calibre bullets to the gut. more

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