Wednesday, March 14, 2012

UK: Patient Happy With Court OK-ing His Death

Tony Miklinison is apparently happy with a UK court saying he can die by assited suicide.
Locked-in sufferer Tony Nicklinson 'delighted' at winning first stage of right-to-die court battle
Mr Nicklinson, a married father-of-two who communicates only by blinking or nodding after being left paralysed following a stroke, says he is "fed up" with his life.
He is asking for declarations that doctors can help him end his "intolerable" existence without facing a murder charge, saying it would be the "right and decent thing" to empower people to make such a choice.
A High Court judge ruled that his case could proceed to judicial review, despite arguments by the Ministry of Justice that it should be struck out because what Mr Nicklinson wants the courts to do should be a matter for Parliament. more

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