Monday, September 17, 2012

Oregon: A Medical Stand Against Assisted Suicide

Here’s a refreshing change from the usual pro-deather drumbeat: A medical merger in Oregon specifically stipulates that their doctors will not participate in legalized assisted suicide.
Dignity Health officials: No assisted suicide prescriptions
Portions of Ashland Community Hospital's policy will change if a partnership is formed with Dignity Health, representatives from the hospital system told about 45 people Thursday at the first of two community forums surrounding the possible merger.
Physicians at a Dignity Health run ACH would not be able to prescribe patients who qualify under the Oregon Death with Dignity Act medication that induces death upon ingesting, Dignity Health officials said.
"If the physician is on our dime "… the thing that the physician cannot do is write the prescription and hand it to the patient," said Carol Bayley, Dignity Health's vice president for ethics and justice education. more

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