Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Aussie Lawmakers Turn Down Pro-Deathers

Aussie lawmakers slap down the pro-deathers as they seek ever more inventive ways to further their nihilistic agenda.
Corbell rejects assisted death move
The ACT government has knocked back a bid for an inquiry into whether legal prohibitions on assisted suicide contradict the Territory's Human Rights Act.
Lobby group Dying with Dignity ACT was officially registered in July and supports the concept of ''elective death'', where adults could seek assistance to die at a time and place of their choice with the degree of assistance they believed was appropriate.
The group wants a ''peaceful death unit'' established in, or linked to, a Canberra hospital which would offer counselling services, education and facilities where people could end their lives.
The group recently requested Attorney-General Simon Corbell to ask the Law Reform Advisory Council whether provisions of the Crimes Act which prevent people from helping others to die were incompatible with human rights. more

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