Tuesday, September 11, 2012

UK Press Blasts New Pro-Death Junior Health Minister

Here’s a less than flattering piece on the UK’s junior health minister Anna Soubry, whose latest controversy involves her advocating for legalizing assisted sucide.
She's foul-mouthed and attention-seeking, but it's the new Health Minister's views on assisted suicide that are truly disturbing
Suddenly, a new ministerial shooting-star is born. Or should that be rather a new ministerial shooting-herself-in-the-foot-star, AKA David Cameron’s latest self-imposed headache?
Until a few days ago, the most likely reaction to the name Anna Soubry would have been: ‘Who?’
Ms Soubry is the Tory MP for Broxtowe in Nottinghamshire. Brought up in the county where her father ran petrol stations until he went bust, Ms Soubry, a former TV presenter and union shop steward, has been divorced twice and brought up her two daughters as a single mother.
In last week’s government reshuffle she was appointed a junior health minister, and is said to be tipped for the Cabinet. more

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