Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Minnesota Hospital Tries To Usurp Patient's Medical Proxy

You don’t think pro-deathers lurk among our medical types? Read this – a Minnesota hospital, on doctors’ advice, suing a wife who is demanding care for her husband that the doctors don’t want to give and think is useless. See? Even if you’re the designated, legal proxy for someone else, the medicos are so hell-bent on death that they may sue to rid you of your obligations. We’re s lucky, aren’t we?
Wrenching court case: Doctors vs. patient's wife
Al Barnes has been in eight hospitals in the past 10 months. His diagnoses include end-stage respiratory distress, renal failure, dementia and other maladies.
Now the 85-year-old from Scandia, Minn., is at the center of a wrenching and unusual court struggle over who will control his medical care.
A doctor at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park will go to court Wednesday, seeking to replace Barnes' wife with a substitute decision-maker and arguing that she is making futile and reckless decisions to prolong her husband's life. more

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