Monday, January 31, 2011

Aussie Dr. Death Back At It In Ireland

Here’s the perfect example of pro-death persistence. When Aussie Dr. Death Philip Nitschke tried to peddle his brand of death in Ireland last year, he got smacked down by the opposition. Guess what? He’s baaaccckk!!! Lesson to learn: Every time we think we’ve got a small victory, keep going, they’re just regrouping.
Euthanasia association founder to visit Ireland in two weeks
The founder of Exit International, the controversial euthanasia association, is scheduled to visit Dublin in two weeks.
Dr Philip Nitschke came to Ireland last year, but a campaign by anti-euthanasia groups resulted in four venues cancelling Exit International’s bookings. Nitschke plans to participate in a debate on euthanasia at University College Dublin (UCD) on February 16 and is also due to address the group’s 60 members in Ireland - many of whom have terminal illnesses. more

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