Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now In Canada: Murder People, Claim It Was "Compassionate"

We’re starting to see this more and more in the US and now in Canada: Murder your parents, then say it was “compassionate” so that you’ll get a lesser charge or even the admiration of the pro-deathers, who might actually come to your defense, make you a hero, and dare the authorities to convict you. Gee, I wonder where all these murderers are getting their ideas???????
Man faces murder charges in case involving 'elements of compassion'
 A 47-year-old man is facing two charges of first-degree murder in a family-death case his lawyer suggested might involve "elements of compassion" akin to those raised by the Robert Latimer conviction.
Sylvain Guidi did not enter any plea Monday in a brief Joliette, Que., court appearance following the weekend shootings of both his parents. The trio shared the family home in the small town of St.-Jean-de-Matha, about 100 kilometres northeast of Montreal.
Guidi was charged with premeditated homicide after the bodies of Claude Guidi, 75, a retired Longueuil police officer, and his 71-year-old wife, Denise Cloutier-Guidi, were found Saturday evening. more

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