Friday, December 23, 2011

Canada: Another Coma Patient Fights Pro-Deathers

Here's another Canadian legal fight to keep a coma patient alive.
Doctors take fight to remove man from life support to Supreme Court 
A little more than a year ago, Hassan Rasouli underwent surgery to remove a benign brain tumour. Instead of recovering, he developed a serious bacterial infection and suffered a massive injury to his brain and spinal cord. He has been in a coma, kept alive by a ventilator and a feeding tube, ever since. 
Mr. Rasouli’s doctors at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre agreed the 60-year-old father was in an irreversible coma known as a persistent vegetative state and believed that rather than keeping him alive on life support, Mr. Rasouli was actually slowly dying of complications from being confined to a hospital bed. They told his family they planned to take Mr. Rasouli off a ventilator and place him in palliative care until his death. more

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