Saturday, December 17, 2011

Earth To LA Times: Assisted Suicide Is NOT Legal In Montana

Here's another story about someone who wants the "right to die." The writer, however, lessens his credibility by stating that assisted sucide is legal in Montana - it isn't. At least they could do their homework.
Wishing for the right to make that final exit
Unlike in Oregon, Washington and Montana, physicians in California cannot legally prescribe life-ending medication to incurably ill patients. Aid in dying — once commonly referred to as assisted suicide — is more likely to come through legal action than legislation, a nationwide counseling group says.
Colleen Kegg hasn't worked out the details of her exit plan yet. But about one thing, Kegg is clear: When she can no longer feed herself or go to the bathroom without assistance, she will take steps to end her life. A rare and incurable neurological disease is gradually stealing the things the 60-year-old Santa Barbara-area resident lives for, and she wishes a California physician could legally prescribe life-ending medication, as doctors can in Oregon, Washington and Montana. Instead, she'll have to find another way. more

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