Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aussie Dr. Death Eggs on the Irish Elderly

As planned, Aussie Philip Nitschke had his Irish town meeting, and encouraged his aged audience to plan ahead for their assisted suicide while they were still in their right minds. (As we've seen in the Netherlands, that often doesn't matter, no reason to think Ireland will be any different).
‘Plan Now for Suicide’ Australia’s Dr. Death Encourages Elderly Irish
DUBLIN, March 23, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Euthanasia and atheist campaigner Dr. Philip Nitschke, Australia’s “Dr. Death,” told an audience in Dublin this week that he had traveled to the country after receiving “significant interest” from elderly Irish wanting information on how to end their lives.
Nitschke’s visit was opposed by pro-life groups, which have charged that his activities constitute a violation of the country's criminal code that warrants police investigation.
Speaking in Dublin in Thursday night, Nitschke encouraged his audience at the Seomra Spraoi social centre to confirm their plans to commit suicide before they become too infirm. “Don’t wait until it’s too late, plan ahead and put in place an end-of-life strategy,” he said. more

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