Friday, June 4, 2010

Pro-Deather Propaganda Reaches Germany (Of All Places)

So it spreads, the pro-deather message, that is. Here’s a fight in Germany where a woman and her lawyer conspired to euthanize her mother – illegally, but, as we’ve seen elsewhere, this is increasingly irrelevant in the drumbeat for death.
German Criminal Court Considers Watershed Assisted Suicide Case
KARLSRUHE, Germany, June 3, 2010 ( – Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) is expected to rule this month on whether the removal of artificially administered food and water constitutes murder or is simply the cessation of “medical treatment.” 
The case surrounds an attempt to euthanise “Erika K,” who had been comatose since a cerebral hemorrhage in 2002. The woman’s daughter claimed her mother had previously expressed a desire not to have her life artificially prolonged and asked nursing home staff to discontinue her mother’s “artificial diet.” The nursing home initially agreed, but then backed down.
The daughter, known as “Elke G” in court, said that following the advice of her lawyer, Wolfgang Putz, she used scissors to cut the gastric tube from her mother’s abdominal wall. Upon discovery, nurses inserted a new feeding tube and called the police.
Although Erika K died shortly after of unrelated causes, the daughter and her lawyer were indicted for attempted manslaughter. Elke G. was acquitted, but Putz received a nine month suspended sentence. more

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