Monday, June 21, 2010

Strong Opposition To Pro-Deathers In Canada

My colleagues Jim and Rhonda do sterling work fighting the pro-deathers in  Manitoba, Canada. In this piece they lay out the danger for Canadians with disabilities.
Don't give MDs power to pull plug: disabled: End-of-life guide a risk, MPs told
Giving Manitoba doctors the power to pull the plug on a patient discriminates against disabled people who may fall short of the minimum standards to remain on life-support, local advocates told a Parliamentary committee Wednesday.
Jim Derksen and Rhonda Wiebe, Winnipeg members of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, said certain policies -- including Manitoba's end-of-life guidelines -- put disabled patients at risk of improper treatment because of common attitudes that "it's better to be dead than disabled." They spoke out in front of a federal palliative and compassionate care committee in Ottawa, and voiced their concerns about legalizing assisted suicide and other inequities in end-of-life care. more

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