Saturday, June 26, 2010

UK Might As Well Repeal Aid/Abetting Assisted Suicide Law

Well, no surprise here. The UK authorities have ruled that a doctor who accompanied a patient to die at the assisted suicide clinic Dignitas in Switzerland won’t face prosecution, even although such an act is illegal in the UK. The authorities are clearly communicating that they have a law on the books that they now plan to ignore. The social and legal constraints to death making in the UK are beginning to crumble, just as they have in the Netherlands, Belgium, and elsewhere. Coming soon to a place near you – death on demand: enjoy the dignity of your trip!!
No prosecution for right-to-die doctor
Dr Michael Irwin was arrested in 2009 after Mr Cutkelvin died
A former GP and right-to-die campaigner who took a man to a euthanasia group in Switzerland will not be prosecuted.
Dr Michael Irwin, 79, of Surrey, was arrested after cancer sufferer Raymond Cutkelvin, of London, died at Dignitas in Zurich. more

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