Wednesday, June 9, 2010

UK: National Health Service Brutality II

Well, as we know, socialized medicine never rations care – uh huh. Read this piece, where a Scottish study found that for women, the older they were, the less likely they would be offered some treatments for breast cancer. That’s exactly what Obamacare will do here in the US, trust me.
patients receive 'lower level of treatment', claims charity
OLDER breast cancer patients are much less likely to receive surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy as part of their treatment, a charity claimed today.
Breakthrough Breast Cancer said it is "wrong" that not all women have equal access to such care.
The charity is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure older patients are treated on the basis of clinical need.
About 4000 women in Scotland are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, with the disease claiming more than 1000 lives annually.
However Breakthrough Breast Cancer said patients aged 80 or above are 40 times less likely to be treated with surgery than younger patients.
Older women with cancer are "significantly less likely" to get chemotherapy and radiotherapy. more

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