Monday, October 25, 2010

Excellent UK Piece Linking Pro-Deather Ideas To Abuse Of People With Disabilities

An excellent piece out of the UK connecting the abuse of people with disabilities to the assisted suicide/euthanasia debate. I’ll post a link to Rosa Monckton’s movie as soon as I find it.
A terrible truth: it's natural to pick on the weak
Some time in the last 50 years, a collective decision was made to try to behave better towards the disabled and the mentally handicapped. Why was such a decision considered necessary? Rosa Monckton's powerful television programme helped give the answer.
Rosa, who herself has a 15‐year-old with Down's syndrome, filmed the lives of three families, and of one man living alone, who are persecuted because of their disability. Their suffering is caused not by the public authorities – though Rosa is critical of failures by those authorities to respond – but by neighbours. more

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