Thursday, November 17, 2011

Another Take On Canada's Euthanasia Debate

Here's another good read critiquing the current push in Canada to legalize euthanasia and is very useful for it's discussion of the slippery slope that has already occurred in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Euthanasia report is reassuring but misleading
The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) has recommended that the Criminal Code of Canada be amended so that people in poor health would have the right to physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. The six-person panel, headed by Queen’s University bio-ethicist Udo Schuklenk, claims that fears of the elderly and the infirm of being hastened to death without their full consent are unwarranted . . . 
Anti-euthanasia observers put little credence in the report, claiming the panel is not at all comprehensive in its arguments. McGill bio-ethicist Margaret Somerville notes, for example, that the report fails to mention a 2010 poll of more than 2,000 Canadians, in which 71% favoured improving end-of-life care against 19% favouring legalized euthanasia (10% favoured both). more

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