Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Canadian "Expert Panel" In The Tank For The Pro-Deathers

I'm shocked, I tell ya!! OK - not so much. This two-year hearing of an "expert panel" came to a conclusion that was never in doubt as they tried to pretend they were evenhanded - that Canada should decriminalize assisted suicide.
Decriminalize assisted suicide, expert panel urges
Canadians in dire health situations should have the option of euthanasia or assisted suicide, says a report from the Royal Society of Canada.
Assisted suicide should be decriminalized in Canada, an expert panel urged Tuesday, following a two-year examination of end-of-life decision-making in Canada.
The report from the Royal Society of Canada says Canadians in dire health situations should have the option of euthanasia or assisted suicide — conducted under the supervision of a physician — and insists that changes to the law would not result in an increase in elder abuse or instances of non-voluntary euthanasia of seriously ill patients. more

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