Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Canada: Pro-Death Ideas Not As Prevalent As Some Would Have Us Believe

Canadians are all a-twitter over the current case before the British Columbia Court where a woman has requested assisted suicide. Here's a report (not scientific, I agree) that shows public opinion is much more divided than the pro-deathers would have us believe.
Spotted: Assisted-suicide story inspires thoughtful audience debate
The controversial assisted-suicide issue is making headlines again this week, as lawyers representing a 63-year-old British Columbia woman with a fatal neurodegenerative disease are asking the B.C. Supreme Court to grant her the right to a doctor-assisted suicide.
Gloria Taylor, a West Kelowna woman with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS and Lou Gehrig's disease, says she wants her doctor to be able to help her end her life before she becomes incapacitated.'s coverage of Taylor's story got CBC audience members talking, and inspired some very thoughtful debate among people with strong opinions on either side of the assisted-suicide debate. more

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