Saturday, November 19, 2011

Push-Back To The Pro-Deathers In Massachusetts

We need more of this in Massachusetts (and everywhere else): challenging the pro-deathers wherever we find them, but especially when they are pulling the wool over the public's eyes.
Doctor-assisted suicide masquerades as compassion
Ann Corkery of Walpole was shopping at Roche Brothers in West Roxbury on Oct. 30, when she noticed a signature drive going on outside the store. "People queued up to sign," said Ms. Corkery. "The chalk board next to the person asking for signatures said 'Compassion for the Terminally Ill.'"
Ms. Corkery, who works in a long-term care facility, knew of a petition to legalize physician-assisted suicide (PAS) being circulated in Massachusetts. She informed the store manager that the petition people were signing did not support care or compassion for the terminally ill, but rather PAS. "You are doing a disservice to your customers," she said. "It's disingenuous to call this compassion." more

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