Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Georgia Supremes First Day Of hearings On Assisted Suicide

Here's what happened yesterday at the Georgia Supreme Court where members of the Final Exit Network are trying to convince the Court that helping kill people is OK.
Final Exit Network faces state's highest court
Lawyers for the Final Exit Network argued before the state Supreme Court on Monday that Georgia's assisted suicide law is "irrational" because it allows someone to assist in a suicide but not to publicly advertise or offer that help.
But Bell-Forsyth Judicial Circuit District Attorney Penny Penn argued that the law was created in 1994 to target "public actors" such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who died in June after overseeing the suicides of more than 100 people, or the Final Exit Network, a volunteer organization that helps guide people "who are suffering from intolerable medical circumstances and want to end their lives." more

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