Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Canada: Suit Proposes Assisted Suicide Outside Of Medical Supervision

There's a court case in British Columbia that proposes amendments to allow for assisted suicide. Note that they have this suggestion - that assisted suicide should be carried out by someone who is not a doctor. Wow!!
“Physician-Assisted Suicide”
67.  For purposes of this claim, “physician-assisted suicide” means an assisted suicide where assistance to obtain or administer medication or other treatment that intentionally brings about the patient’s own death is provided by a medical practitioner, as that term is defined in s. 29 of the Interpretation Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 238, or by a person acting under the general supervision of a medical practitioner, to a grievously and irremediably ill patient in the context of a patient-physician relationship. more

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