Friday, November 4, 2011

Canadian "Assisted Suicide:" For Being A Drunk

Murderers are getting more creative about using the "assisted suicide defense." Usually they argue that they ended someone's terminal illness, etc. Here's a Canadian guy who smothered his wife for being a drunk.
Crown rejects Edmonton man’s plea of guilty to assisted suicide in 2006 domestic slaying
When police arrived at the Lavery house in Mill Woods that September night, they found a 78-year-old man, crying and cradling his dead wife, who lay on the couple’s bed. He admitted to smothering her.
A constable remembered that scene Monday during the second-degree murder trial of Edmonton resident Noel Lavery, now 83. His wife, Sherry Lavery, had been an active member of the federal progressive conservative party in the 1980s. She was also an alcoholic, whose addiction had ruled and all-but ruined her family in the months before her death. more

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