Thursday, January 5, 2012

What The Falconer Commission Does Not Say

Another good piece from my colleague Peter Saunders in the UK. Here he focuses on what is omitted fro the Falconer Commission report, realeased today.
What Falconer does not say about assisted suicide is even more worrying than what he does say
On New Year’s day, Lord Falconer (pictured) wrote an opinion piece for the Daily Telegraph with the specious title ‘A duty of care to our last days on Earth’. It was subtitled ‘Do Britain’s laws on assisted dying work, and if not, what should replace them?’
The piece was an advertorial for the much trumpeted (by the cheerleading BBC) publication of his ‘Commission on Assisted Dying’ final report this Thursday which he tells us will provide a ‘possible way forward, which addresses the need for safeguards’ for the legalisation of assisted suicide in Britain.
I have summarised his main points here along with my comments . . . : more

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