Friday, January 27, 2012

Scotland: Church Opposes Attempt To Legalize Assisted Suicide

While the Roman Catholic Church is hardly perfect, they have been consistent in opposing the culture of death. Here they’re responding to Scottish MP Margo MacDonald’s announcement that she intends to introduce a bill to legalize assisted sucide.
Assisted suicide debate revived
The Catholic Church in Scotland has condemned Margo MacDonald’s latest attempt to legalise assisted suicide, just a year after her last effort was roundly defeated in the Scottish Parliament.
The Independent Lothians MSP unveiled a new consultation on the issue—which pushes for ‘a friend at the end’—at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday despite the failure of her first bid to make it legal for the ill and the dying to seek help to kill themselves.
Prior to the defeat of Ms MacDonald’s last bill Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Britain’s most senior Catholic clergyman, warned that it would inevitably lead to repeated attempts to change the law. more

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